Online S2E3, content creation and Viral Marketing with Tamara Thompson

Online S2E3, content creation and Viral Marketing with Tamara Thompson

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🎧This is Online with Amr The Internet Guy! The show focuses on entrepreneurs and business owners, helping them become more successful in conducting their business on the web without being stuck with Technology 😱, getting a headache, pulling their hair out, or buying expensive software!

Tamara Thompson with Amr The Internet Guy

Welcome to episode 3 of season 2, with my guest Tamara Thompson, she is an investor,
Founder, & CEO of Broadcast Your Authority, a team-managed, data-driven content agency specializing in marketing and creating micro-content repurposed from weekly podcasts to help sustainable companies, influencers, and experts to position themselves as respected industry leaders.

Tamra helps clients reach more people through omnipresence, optimization, and a consistent done-for-you strategy. She began her video marketing career as the Founder of Serious Take Productions in 2013. She directed entrepreneurial films that sold out in national film festivals and shared snippets that went viral on YouTube. IndieFlix noticed her films and acquired them for distribution. Then with her interest in how viral videos worked, she was determined to help others grow their channels. In 2015, she started sharing her methods on the stage, in podcasts, and on YouTube.
We discussed how to create Highly Clickable and Profitable Content, as well as Tap into the Power of Viral Marketing.

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Viral content, youtube, create, podcast, TikTok, Youtube shorts,  views, channels, subscribers, topics, video creation, virality

Tamara Thompson, Amr The Internet Guy

Online with Amr, the internet guy streaming today on your favorite podcast platforms. This podcast focuses on entrepreneurs and business owners helping them become more successful and conducting their business on the web without being stuck with technology, getting a headache, pulling their hair out or buying expensive software.

Amr The Internet Guy
Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of online with Amr the internet guy. You know, as a business owner, I find it quite hard to get on top of social media, especially to get on top of social media for business. I find it quite intimidating because there are so many different social media networks. And especially now with video based content that comes from places like YouTube shorts.

Amr The Internet Guy
Facebook, I even forgot what it’s called the Facebook is it reels, because it’s Facebook and Instagram, and tic toc and the likes of that. And it feels a little bit like overwhelming for a business owner who wants to be a content creator who wants to be relevant and who is aiming to kind of guide or teach his audience. I find it a little bit like too much. And I wasn’t sure where to start. So here is where my guest can help all of us, Miss Tamra Thompson, and she is an expert in you know, broadcasting your authority. And she’s going to be giving us tips and tricks to content creation, and, you know, dissemination to the different types of networks. And she’s also going to give us the kind of the secret sauce on what can go viral and what will not. So without further ado, let’s meet Tamra.

Amr The Internet Guy
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the show. I have Tamra Thompson here, Tim. Tom wrote, say to me again.

Tamara Thompson
You had it right, Tamra Tamra Thompson. And I heard that you’re from Seattle originally. Originally? Yes. I was born and raised in Seattle. Probably my first 35 plus years of life. Yes. So you moved like last year?

Tamara Thompson
Thank you.

Tamara Thompson
I actually moved to California for a couple years. And then I have been in Arizona for almost five years now. Chasing the Sun. I actually like the sun better than the Seattle miss. I’m in Vancouver. So yeah, so Seattle and Vancouver, kind of like Twin Cities with with the weather. Yeah, no, I, I’ve been to Vancouver quite often when I did live in Seattle. So it was just kind of a hop, skip and a jump up there. Yeah, we do the same thing. And I was reading some of the stuff that you’ve done before. And it looks like you’re a film producer. I don’t know if you’re still a film producer. But that would that’s in my past. That’s it’s part of my background and who I was. So in my early years, I actually when YouTube first came out was when I jumped into YouTube. And then I actually went back to film school in my late 20s. Because I wasn’t really passionate about what I was doing currently at the time with a career in the fitness industry. And I always had a passion about video cameras. You know, I jumped in and did funny videos with my dad’s huge camcorder back in like the 1980s and 90s with the big VHS tape. Taping side. Yeah, yeah. Like it was like, as big as my head, you know? And, and so yeah, so I jumped into the YouTube Space kind of early. And then I was like, Well, you know, it just seems kind of fun. But how do I turn this passion into a career. And so it was a hobby for a good, you know, four, four or five years in my 20s. And then I decided to go back to school to create a career. And I went back to school for filmmaking. And I did a lot of cool things in that space. I was a video producer, editor director, did all the roles, and I learned everything about filmmaking. And then I realized that I didn’t really want to actually do the actual, like, essence of the tasks anymore. I was like, I was good at things. But I decided like, you know, I actually want to build and scale a company. So they turn to a different essence to starting a production company. And so I had that for over 10 years. And then after that, basically we shifted to a content marketing agency, where we could actually help grow YouTube channels, because I had films that I had directed that were picked up by indie Flix acquired by indie Flix, and then pushed out and then we had micro content go viral on YouTube years ago. And that’s really what inspired me to teach other people but also help other clients grow there. You

Tamara Thompson
YouTube channel. So the video is always been there. So the video producer side was a part of my past. And now I’m an investor, I do more on strategy. And I speak at a lot of events at this point as more of the CEO, founder of the company, with the focus of content marketing, but it’s always been around video and YouTube. And

Amr The Internet Guy
this is interesting, because I, like I do have, for example, a YouTube channel. But I never think about, it’s not I think about what content goes on there. But I never think about the channel itself. Like, I’m pretty sure that most entrepreneurs don’t even look into the performance of their YouTube channel, and they treat it like another media outlet. Or, you know, they think about it in the absence of more people with see me, but they don’t actually work to make more people see me, you know,

Tamara Thompson
people have this like, idea, like, Oh, I’m gonna become a YouTuber, or I’m gonna have viral content, right. But if you do not have the strategy in place, and actually do the market research, and actually put the effort to actually optimize a channel and create content that people are actually searching for and actually want to watch, then your your channel is not going to grow necessarily, right. You could have a hit, you know, with YouTube shorts right now, a lot of people are having that essence of virality. But YouTube opened that door for YouTube shorts, because they wanted to compete with tick tock, right, yeah. And so they’re like, well, let’s bring people back over to YouTube. Because if we start giving them more options for virality, which all of our clients all of their channels have increased this year, because of YouTube shorts viewership, they’re going up like 10s of 1000s of views. But you have to think of it also like, the watch time is different, because a short is another 60 seconds. And then when they you know, reward you over time for watch time hours, you know, it’s a little bit different when you’re watching a 62nd clip, like that’s not very much time and watch hours for YouTube. So it’s important to have a balance of long form content and the micro content pieces YouTube shorts, to be able to grow your channel effectively. Because if you’re creating a snippet from something, and that’s what our team in our company does, is we create those little snippets from longer form being podcasts, video podcasts, optimize the channel for that for a weekly show, for those that put a lot of energy or time on people’s, you know, hands to create content. And we also provide the direction so we’re providing them the YouTube optimizable topics for their show. So the only thing that our clients are doing is pushing record, we’re providing the direction and then also creating all the assets and optimizing the channels, but also paying attention to the micro content that’s going out to different platforms like repurposing that YouTube short to Tik Tok to Instagram reels to other new new platforms coming out like like Clapper, there’s a new platform called clapper that’s trying to actually compete with tick tock. So you know, it’s about just being ahead of the wave. But paying attention to the market research, even with tick tock, you can actually see what people are searching for. Same with YouTube, you when you’re intentional with what people are actually searching for on YouTube, you have more opportunity to actually take off with your viewership. So it’s very important to be intentional with market research and keywords and topics. And, you know, it’s not like you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks. You know, and I think a lot of people think that but then people also get discouraged because they don’t see something take off. And YouTube is a marathon, not a sprint. Yeah. Yeah. So you got to watch your YouTube channel over time. That’s why we say hey, we want to work with people several months, like Don’t say like, Hey, can I work with you? 30 days, we actually don’t have options. There’s nothing

Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, like you won’t see any difference in 30 days.

Tamara Thompson
Exactly. You have to like see what the trends are like what takes off, you can have a whole first 30 days of trying content and it might not even resignate yet, you might have not found you know, what your people are watching for, you know, it’s better to ask your audience Hey, what do you want to see more of first, just get started. Because if you’re creating what they’re asking for it, then they’re more, you know, able to watch it. So I personally

Amr The Internet Guy
find in general, the amount of of social media platforms and outlets that are out there. I find it intimidating, because it’s it makes it easy. And I’m a techie. So I’m not really I’m not scared of tech. I embrace it, I use it. And I still find it intimidating because as a business owner, especially, you know, for solopreneurs and small businesses, who are not yet into the seven figure and they don’t have a big team. It feels like how am I going to keep on top of all these and at some point it also Feels like some of the social media platforms have become more of spam. Like, I stopped using LinkedIn, I still have an account. I log in once a year or something like,

Tamara Thompson
I feel your pain on that one I, I was the I was invited to be a I was actually hired to be a LinkedIn instructor. And I created an entire LinkedIn course that they hired me for on content marketing. And like, I would get these messages, you know, and I think my biggest pet peeve on there is, is the people that take your email, and then they strip it from LinkedIn. And then they write you an email, and then they put you in a sequence. Yeah, like, you’re like, unsubscribe, I was like, I did not, you know, I didn’t ask for this information, you know, my email is not there to spam me. And then of course, the inbox, which I feel like people could genuinely reach out and start a conversation, at least one conversation message that doesn’t have something with your free ebook. And, yeah, if you just start the conversation, you can potentially lead to that ebook. But, you know, when people like start the idea of leading with value, and being a Go Giver, you know, you can have a lot more, you know, opportunity to have conversations. But if you try to do that, and then still put an offer in there, yeah, I was like, I think you’ve missed the cause of like, what it means to be a go giver. For those that may have not read Bob Berg’s book, it’s always leading with value, but don’t pitch right out of the gate. Because most people on LinkedIn are doing this strategy that they believe they’re providing value, and then providing some sort of call to action directly on the first message, which, which is it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work with me, it’s interesting it is I got I’ve built very, very large, great connections with people of influence and other investors, I invest in a lot of companies at this point. And so when people don’t reach out in a way, that’s kind on your, you’re humble, and you know, you’re providing some sort of value, like, I’m going to ignore it, you know, and I think a lot of people just kind of get in these caught up. And like you said, sometimes people when they’re early entrepreneurs, they’re just learning, right? They’re not necessarily like, understanding what people mean, to actually build a core relationship with someone, you know, it’s you, you must build relationships and be able to communicate in a way that isn’t spammy, or, you know, send the first needy. Yeah, you know, and I’ve built very strong connections with people and I’ve spoken on stages with people like like Marcus Lemonis, from CNBC, the Prophet, you know, Lisa Nichols, I’ve spoken on stages with like Jillian Michaels, you know, all these different large influencers, because I’ve built relationships with people over time. And I’ve emailed in the kind ways and always put effort into value value value first never pitched myself other than, like, how can I serve you, and it would come into conversations, or people would see something or a video of me speaking or see me speak at an event and I was invited to speak somewhere else. And same with podcast, same with, you know, other types of appearances, it’s because those connections will start opening doors for you as well. It’s really about your network that you’re in as well. So, and again, people learn that over time, it’s just LinkedIn is one of those platforms that I just barely am on myself, like Instagrams, like my favorite. You know, I,

Amr The Internet Guy
Facebook feeds tools for Instagram.

Tamara Thompson
Well, like, with our, with our teams company, the majority of our clients, like have their favorite platform, right, but we’ve created a system that helps push content to all of it. So we don’t have platforms, so they don’t have to watch it. They don’t have to be over there. But it’s going out just in case somebody does find you or when people are doing their research, it’s good to be everywhere, because it shows kind of ability, it shows consistency. And people can see that, you know, they see that you’re showing up basically on your platforms. If your platforms are crickets. I do my due diligence when I’m hiring, maybe a mentor or servers or you know, whether I’m going to see if they’re on social media first, you know, I’m going to look at their website, check them out, see what they’re posting, because I want to see that they’re consistently providing value. Some people just are not on social media. Are you

Amr The Internet Guy
aligned or not? Like are they like, because I feel for example, sometimes people misunderstand the word hustle. They think hustle means hustle, not hustle.

Tamara Thompson
I’m not a I’m not a fan of that word. Like

Amr The Internet Guy
my No,

Tamara Thompson
I guy.

Amr The Internet Guy
You know, Gary Vee to blame. Yeah.

Tamara Thompson
Put into this and I respect Gary. I’ve met him actually spoke at an event with him as well and, and I met him backstage and he’s a he’s a great guy. Why he’s just built This, you know, authority, he has his own personality, it’s very strong, he puts his opinions out. And people just listened to his opinions at this point, you know? Yeah, you know, it doesn’t mean that every I’m gonna agree with every opinion. But you know, he’s built that following. And he shifts when it needs to and gets into the markets that are new, you know, like NF T’s, you know, what all that stuff, you know, when you are able to shift and just take action, and you’re not afraid to do it, like those people, like, there’s so many people out there that are followers that are looking for leadership, you know, versus a lot of leadership out there. So it’s interesting to see and watch. But yeah, I respect him truthfully, on on everything that he does, I might not agree with all of

Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, I mean, it works for some, it doesn’t work for everyone. That’s what entrepreneurs need to understand as well. Every business owner has a personality, you got to have part of your personality in your business. It’s not, you know, just follow this advice blindly. And everything will be okay. We, I think we’ve touched on content marketing, and I feel that we need to give it a little bit of a focus now, because I also feel that many business owners are afraid of content creation, or they do have content in their heads, or on their computers, that has not been shared with anyone. So how can we encourage them? To, you know, get into it? What? What can you say to them? Yeah,

Tamara Thompson
I mean, well, there’s a couple different things here that could be holding people back, either maybe it’s a, they, they have the excuse of time, you know, it could be an excuse of confidence, you know, it could be, you know, it, you know, they could just say like, you know, I’m gonna do that next month or next, I see like, it’s kind of like a people just kind of put things off, I think, if you have access to content that, so I actually just got off a call literally, like 20 minutes ago with a new new client. And we’re starting with him with he doesn’t want to take the time to create great new content, but he’s got a load of all this content that can be repurposed, right, and he’s got access in his think if if Thinkific course, he’s got all this other old content. So we’re going to be taking stuff that’s still valid point today, and pull the best compelling, valuable educational tips from that content. So people have access to things, it’s just about getting started, it’s just about finding out like, how do I repurpose content there first, like, that’s the first step is like, if you have content, and you just like it isn’t, you figure out how to get it going, you know, it’s just about finding things to actually create, that you have, like, isn’t valid. And you can basically take a transcription. And, you know, most people like it’s, at that point, it’s time to delegate something out, right, like you should, you know, as a leader, or of your company, or business owner, freelance or whatever you are, you know, you should be focusing on your zone of genius, and anything that pulls you away from that, like, you just delegate it, you know, if you feel like you don’t have a budget, yet, you start with like Fiverr, or, you know, work or some sort of freelancer to help you, when people aren’t established level of accompany a lot of people that, you know, multimillion dollar companies, they’ll come work with our company, because we have this very specific fluid system that we come in as, like an entire hub, you know, it’s like, boom, we’re like representation, we’re a part of your team, right? We keep it very simplified. And so like, when people have that opportunity to pass off that material, like just pass it off, so that you can actually create compelling snippets from your content to create your start of, you know, content marketing, you know, so it could be on the side of like, confidence of just thinking of content or, you know, some people record content that just never goes out. Because, yes, exactly, you can do better. And I was like, Yeah, that’s a mindset thing. You know, like, it’s just like, we have to get out of our own way, right. Like, one of one of our clients, he just hit his, we did a help book launch book on Monday, and he hit the best selling book in the service industry on Amazon in the first less than 24 hours. And that was super cool. But his book is all about showing up. Like he talked about experiences, like you show up, you know, all these things like that. And like, we created all these snippets to help his book launch talking about different things about showing up and these experiences and stories. You know, and we just had basically a video producer go out and do him for a couple hours in New York and just record little snippets, you know, not everybody has time or budget for that kind of stuff. But when you do you I mean, you don’t even have to do it. You can record stuff with your smartphone, right? Like Exactly.

Amr The Internet Guy
Like to send you the script, just say the, you know, the script, which is then a minute, send it and you’re done. Yeah, I think people Yeah,

Tamara Thompson
well, yeah, exactly. So it’s like, take your it’s a confidence, like, some people have the thought in their head. And this might be, yeah, I’ve had this with some female clients, right? So they will be like, Well, I have to do my hair and makeup, right? That might be something, you know, I’m like, I’m just gonna put my glasses on myself right now, maybe Sunday that some days I put my contacts and sometimes I have makeup on sometimes I don’t, you know, like, I’m just going to record content in the now because sometimes, you know, it’s just a thought, or an inspiring thought or a tip or something like, like we signed up, for example, like, chat GPT on November 30, the day launch, right? So like, I created content around AI and chat. GPT is the very beginning, because I jumped on that trend. And yeah, I didn’t have my makeup on that day. I was like, I’m just gonna create content, and you know, learn this stuff and share it. Because, you know, if you feel like people unless you’re trying to attract a certain audience, but people should just enjoy your content based on the value. Yeah.

Amr The Internet Guy
I’m not sure what many people don’t realize that even with YouTube, and I do this myself. I listen to the YouTube, I don’t watch it. So I actually I switch to full screen off. I know a

Tamara Thompson
lot of people that listen to YouTube, right now. It’s like listening to podcast.

Amr The Internet Guy
Exactly. So it’s kind of it doesn’t really matter what it looked like, they just want the content.

Tamara Thompson
And if anybody does care about what you look like, that’s their point. It’s on them, and you just let it go. Because you have naysayers on YouTube comments and trolls. Yeah, there’s a point in life where, you know, you don’t let people get to you, you know, you keep your mindset, you know, keep your head straight and stick to the positive because most of the time, there’s more positive out there than the negatives. And so if people have that, you know, issue of, like example, one of our clients, so she started her channel, youtube channel probably got a dozen years ago. So I’ve known her for many years. And she created this content. When it went viral. It was very inspiring. It was very raw. And she did this whole makeup reveal, right? So she had like this component palling story, a lot of acne, like just completely like she was a model, but she kicked on makeup to basically, you know, cover up these acne and they scars and everything. And she was fairly young at the time, still young, but, but she was very young at the time, and her content took off, but she could not handle the naysayers of people saying ugly things to her. But when you went back to look at it, the majority was, you know, young, young women and girls coming in comment and say like, I’m so glad that you created this video because I have the same problem. And then she was asked to be on Good Morning America, and all these shows, because all of a sudden, she had 25 million views to this video. And that launched her YouTube career. But what happened was, she stopped. She stopped for two months, because she was so afraid of the naysayers and not focusing on the positive. And so, you know, she got over that over the years. And she’s very, very successful in the YouTube space at this point. And she’s actually built her own you know, organic makeup line and other things like that to help provide for other women for their skin problems and things like that. And yeah, it was it very inspiring story, but when you have content to share, like don’t be afraid to put it out there but like, don’t disappear for two months, either. That’s my that’s my so sorry. Yeah, it does very well for herself. And she’s a lot more confident at this point. But there’s, there’s different things that you can tell too many people based on what that one thing is that’s holding them back, basically.

Amr The Internet Guy
And do you do find sometimes when you when you’re speaking with a new client, that they do need a bit of coaching as well. Like it’s not sometimes it’s not like a cut clear service that they need. Sometimes they need to be coached into what they need.

Tamara Thompson
You know, it’s, it’s, it’s different for every client based on where they are. We’ve worked with a lot of successful individuals, influencers, CEOs, you know, a lot of these companies now so that these individuals that we primarily do work with, you know, they might ask a simple thing, but you know, in their background, most of them have the confidence to record or they have a ton of content at this point scores. Yeah, but they might like have some bas for art is those that actually are recording new content. They love that we provide the provide direction and market research for their podcast. asked, but also for their short form content. So we give them the encouragement and say, hey, you need to put this on your calendar every month to record, you know, 25 short videos, if it’s with your cell phone, or if it’s with your assistant or with your videographer, they get into these routines. So the majority of our clients actually record shorts, like 62nd tips, and we give them the topics to talk about related to their industry. And then they just shoot it, they have their cell phone. So they’re, they’re at the point in their business, that they’re taking the action to actually just do what we tell them to do. And they just do it. And then we crank out the content. So but there are there has been scenarios where we have had to coach people through specific things, but it’s usually there like a market research thing, maybe a technical thing, maybe what what what type of equipment to use, if they want it to look like super professional for their podcasting studio or something like that, you know, just give them tips based on their brand and what the you know, what they want to appear as for their brand that comes across clean and professional. And then you know, and so it’s good for them to also provide those little cell phone clips do because it’s a mixture of the the podcast content that’s being repurposed versus something that’s solo snippets that also relates to the content. So it spices that up more so that we’re not just creating micro content shorts and snippets from a podcast. But that’s primarily like where people come to us. And then they say, wow, like you guys just do it all. I was like, well, it got to the point where it evolved. Yeah, like a, like a extension of to a one stop shop. Yeah. And because we started with just podcasts and just podcast content, but we knew, because of things becoming so competitive with tick tock and reels and shorts, it really allowed us to provide this additional support on things that they had coming up, like little teaser video shorts for their webinar, or for their live event coming up for a different offer, you know, and then also helping up level their experience of frequency of content going out, right? Because we started seeing people start taking off because all of a sudden, they’re doing like, because we do three shirts a day on certain packages, and people like whoa, shorts a day. It’s driving more views, which gets more suggested content. So there’s certain platforms, I say, yeah, totally do three times a day where you might go over here. And you might say, Oh, geez, you just posted three times on Instagram. But you know, you were doing better if you just did one reel a day, because it’s taking time to push that traffic out. Like all of a sudden you see something go viral like the next morning? Because it pushed overnight? Yeah. So they have to be pay attention to to which platforms and how high the frequency is? And what’s actually engaging, like lower on LinkedIn, are you doing like holes or questions or engaging things versus like, putting up, you know, a real over there, you know, like, it won’t do as well, because it’s not the type of content that’s going on LinkedIn. So it’s about being creating the content from that original piece, like the micro content, but what is it that actually needs to go on the different platforms? Yeah, we create all these cool reels of shorts and stuff like that. But there are other platforms that other things work better. So it’s just paying attention.

Amr The Internet Guy
So when we say that something will go viral? What I’m interested to know, what makes something go viral? Like what? I don’t know, is there like a specific composition of things that have to be in the video in order for it to go viral? Because I feel like sometimes, if your intention is to have a viral video, it’s not going to happen. It usually happens when you don’t expect it.

Tamara Thompson
It’s true. Yeah, so my, my buddy, a good friend of mine, Sean candle, he’s got to like his video recipe, you know, he’s a YouTuber and stuff and they’ll give you like the the framework and stuff like that, what’s going on? But with us, we basically we see what’s what’s going on in the industry, what’s trending, the when we do the market research, we also see like how competitive these videos are, and if people are actually running ads to these types of keywords. So what we’ve seen is, when something does take off, we pay attention to the ones that do better. And then we say, hey, let’s double down and create more content of of that, right, because your audience has spoken, there’s more views, the platform is us also spoken to. So at this point, like YouTube shorts, I think the majority of people have the opportunity to go viral. Tick tock the same way. If you jump on a trend, and you’re in that trend, the first three days it’s going you have the ability to be found. So as long as you’re paying attention to that Friends, I think the virality aspect is easier, they’re making it a little bit easier for things. But you also have to be creative. And also pay attention to what your audience actually paid attention to. Right. So one of our clients, we saw on the back end, like the five top things that people were searching for, because he’s a mentor. He helps teach people how to buy and sell businesses, acquisitions, things like that. And so in the back end, the top two topics are being searched or how to buy a business buying a business as a keyword. Whenever to Tik Tok starting to see like, what what people were searching for keywords buying a business. So turn around, put that content out there, put it in the podcast formula, he had like a professional podcast studio recording for that particular one. And those professional looking ones do perform a little bit better. I’ve seen for podcasts when they have like the studio and the mic setup and the poppy captions for that. Those started trending like that. Her mosey style, real stuff like that. And so we stopped, we’re like, oh, well, that one took off that that one in the first week had 43,000 views. Okay, great. We’re gonna create more content from that episode, little more snippets from that the next video took off, the next video took off. And we’ve seen that happen a lot of the times because people started follow and the subscribers go up.

Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, because you get the new one

Tamara Thompson
of the ones that work. So once you find that at least one that works First, you kind of have to find that one thing that works, right, and you find it on the channel and you test it on the other channels. And so his content we knew that was taken off on YouTube was that and then we realized the same type of content, micro content was taken off of Tik Tok. So we said, hey, let’s create more of this. Right? And so then he started to take off. And so he has, he has over 25,000 subscribers on YouTube now. And that’s in less than a year, basically. So we had taken over his channel. And I think he had started with us at about seven, seven to 8000 subscribers on YouTube. So it’s double the subscriber base. But we found that formula on that sweet spot of what he wanted to teach that what with his, you know, goals, values and programs. And then we saw that it took off on tick tock, so that’s what was happening. We’ve seen it also in all different industries. We had a client as well. She was working with with us, and I was really excited because she started with like, nothing like five subscribers on our YouTube. And she was like, she’s like, she had it. We had a conversation a few years, where then the family members, they were all the family members. She like it was like my mom, my grandma, my daughter, you know, it was definitely family members. And so so same scenario, but it took five months for us to really figure that out, even though we started with her from scratch, but we knew because she had a very specific niche. And her success story has been amazing. So five subscribers, no following nothing. We encouraged her. We said, well, what’s your topic? And who are your competitors? She was like I literally I was like, who’s out there doing what you want to do? Like your exact model, like what do you want to do? She has her topics in ageism with Alzheimer’s and dementia. So very specific niche. And when you have a very specific niche that people are searching for, that’s that’s great as well. And so after five months, we’re testing out different topics. She added content video, that was like 10 More morning science, Alzheimer’s. It took off, it’s got like 2.8 million views. Some of the comments were, were not needed. There were some of the naysayers. Yeah, they can find or whatever. And then the rest were actually informative stuff. And so sure subscriber base started going after that video, we said create another video that’s very similar. So she did another morning like 10 signs kind of continuation. That video took off had over half a million views. So her subscriber base started going up. We started creating playlists on the warning signs of Alzheimer’s who said you need to create more content around Alzheimer’s, you know, not just ageism, not dementia. Yeah, it’s got to be Alzheimer’s because this

Amr The Internet Guy
what people are searching for now.

Tamara Thompson
The channel, and then she was able to build a very specific model that was very similar to her one competitor that she showed us. So we modeled it off this competitor. And she was able to get more speaking engagements. She launched her own book. She ended up getting appearances and things. And then she also started getting sponsorships and partnerships. And for the last year and a half. She’s been working with us for over three and a half years, I believe now. But last year and a half. She hasn’t even paid for our services because they’re covered by partnerships or grants. She’s partnered with universities that we’ve taught her how to generate other money and she also became a YouTube partner and she’s made over 15k Just on that over the last three years so YouTube’s not The moneymaker like people are like, oh, I want to become YouTube famous and make money. I’m like, That’s not where you make money. It’s the offers that people are after, though people have this misconception with

Amr The Internet Guy
a seven year old who was, I can’t even remember the guy who is to, I think, do the games like unboxing games or whatever. Like there was a

Tamara Thompson
test that toys, toy testing and unboxing. Yeah, if you get into it, and you’re cute, you know, the little kids. Yeah, people are following this stuff. And their kids are falling and stuff. And yeah, once you find that new take off, like double down on that content, it’s really like, that’s really where it’s at. Because we’ve seen people we said, hey, this took off create another video. Yeah, that client might not listen to us. Because, you know, in their own head, they’re like, Well, I want to do this. I’m saying, Yeah, we’re

Amr The Internet Guy
talking about something different. But yeah. Oh, there’s so much. This is one, I think, One famous example. And I’m a culprit of this as well, thinking there’s already so much content out there about the topic. So I don’t want to add mine.

Tamara Thompson
Oh, no way, we all have the value add that you can create the exact same video as another video. So there’s like a trick that we teach our clients, and I’ll teach you all that are listening right now. So when there’s a channel that you find, and there’s a video out there, and you’re like, I want to create this video, and you do the research, and you see this video took off, and let’s say it’s on a channel that only has, it has less subscribers than the video you see that took off on their channel. So let’s say example, let’s say there’s a person that has 2000 subscribers, and you see a video that you you’re searching for, like, I really want to create something on this topic and you find it you find this person’s video. And let’s say it had like 10,000 views were like, Oh, great. So that’s called a gateway video, it’s basically pushing out more to a suggested audience. And it’s surpassed your amount of subscribers, so it’s reached more than your subscribers. And that’s called a gateway video, those videos are being searched and suggested more. So when you create an exact replica of that title, you don’t have to necessarily teach everything or copy that person. But if you utilize that title, and optimize it correctly, and put your own spin on it, because you’re like, oh, that’s what I want to teach. Take that type of topic, because you have the ability to now start getting that suggestive content off of that title. And so people will start to take off and they it’s just a trick on a gateway video. But it has to show that the views on the video are far exceed the amount of subscribers for that channel. And so it’s a it’s a cool trick, but, but yeah, like, just create content, because someone might resonate with you more than they resonate with me, you know, vice versa, you know, people, you know, our energy, our mannerisms, our knowledge, the way we teach, you know, whatever that is, don’t ever doubt that, that you, you know, are valuable. Because if you teach something that somebody else, somebody’s gonna find you and they’re gonna resignate with you, and then they’re gonna resignate with you, and then they’re gonna want to work with you, right? So it’s just a disservice to yourself by just not putting out content, you know, you can be you can be discouraged if it doesn’t get views or something, but don’t be the person that like, what if I put this out, just put it out. And sometimes content takes off later in life? You’re like, yes. Know, I have a video on my YouTube, that still gets 250 views a day did was created a few years ago, and it was all about Facebook rooms when it first launched. This is old stuff. People are still commenting, still asking questions. And in my head, I’m like, Facebook rooms are old. Yeah, it’s still like, people are still talking about it, and still asking questions, and I still engage, we still comment back and it’s got like, you know, it was optimized. It’s got like, almost 20,000 views, you know, it was pretty like a year ago, year and a half ago, and it just still gets views. And so like you never know, like videos will take off old videos will continue to grow. Absolutely.

Amr The Internet Guy
Like I’ve got one of my old videos. I don’t think it has like daily, like 250 daily views or whatever. But it was something that I did like early on maybe 2015 2016 and left it there forgot about it. And then when I look at my channel, it has about 200,000 views. And I’m thinking like that content is old. Why are people watching that or whatever?

Tamara Thompson
Yeah, it’s just really like, put yourself out there and trust in the process. You know, make sure it’s optimized and don’t get discouraged by when things don’t take off. Like I said, like one of our clients, the one that took off that’s it are doing well, it took her five months to have consistency for YouTube to really recognize her and find something that took off. But But she did it. She was consistent. And she did what we said we were testing different things. And yeah, YouTube definitely rewards over time. And, you know, a majority of people that start off from scratch majority of people don’t even reach the first 1000 subscribers in real life. Sometimes months, it’s yeah, people just like, Oh, am I gonna go viral? And I’m like, you could be watching it. Yeah, yeah, we cannot determine that, okay, I don’t subscribe. Some of my friends and clients don’t tend to subscribe to channels at this point, I just, I know where to go to find something. So it’s different. These days, people aren’t necessarily subscribing. And they just look up the content when they want to see it. So it’s interesting, but it just kind of pay attention to things. But just I mean, if you have value to share, just create it and share it. And don’t look back.

Amr The Internet Guy
I love this. And I loved your your tip earlier. I’m just gonna say it again, for people so that in case they didn’t catch it the first time and to check my understanding. So search for the topic that you want to talk about. Find the video that has more views about that specific topic, and usually, look, if they have more views than the number of subscribers in that specific channel. Correct. Yeah, title, spin it, put your own spin on it. So that it’s not, of course, an exact copy, and put your content out there and push it.

Tamara Thompson
Yeah, it’s all about doing the research and using the tools. And there’s different research and tools out there that you can find and find keywords, I mean, obviously YouTube as things like to buddy and vid IQ that can help you optimize your channel and give you suggested topics and see words and different levels of how it can actually help optimize it for you, you know, there’s different things that will suggest. So it walks you through a process to actually optimize your videos on YouTube. And so you know, it’s great to have those those resources and tools and software’s that can help as well. And then just be intentional with the content. When you do see something take off, like double down and create more of that or just keep repurposing more from that video for short form content as well. So and put it in playlists, create a playlist that takes off with that content. Yeah, like with our clients channel, we put, you know, warning signs of Alzheimer’s as basically a playlist and then every content that goes under that goes there. And then you do the same thing on tick tock, you can actually create playlists on tick tock, when you get enough followers, they unlock different things like creating playlists. So we will on her channel and put warning signs of Alzheimer’s on it as a playlist and then all the Tick Tock videos that are related to that.

Amr The Internet Guy
Yeah, because then your playlists you can have videos that are not yours. Exactly. So actually, you’re doing you’re not Yeah, I mean, you’re not gonna fill it with other videos. But it it looks like you’re doing your viewers a favor because you’ve curated that part for them. So they don’t need to watch only you where they can also watch other people in your playlist.

Tamara Thompson
Yeah, yeah, typically, we tell our clients put their own own videos for Tik Tok and their their playlists. But on YouTube, you can put other you can put some others Yeah, but what I typically what people do is put, if you have a video on somebody else’s channel, you want to put their video on your channel. Yeah, so so that like it’s still positioning you as the authority if you’re on somebody else’s podcast. So let’s say you put this video

Amr The Internet Guy
podcast online, and then you take it

Tamara Thompson
over here and put it under my podcast appearances. So then we’re both doing each other a service to expose both of us to

Amr The Internet Guy
both our viewers our sense of Yeah, yeah.

Tamara Thompson
So it’s a great method to do just pay attention your playlists.

Amr The Internet Guy
Thank you, Tamra. Where do people find you?

Tamara Thompson
Yeah, other than Arizona. Yeah, I love Instagram. My team manages most of my social at this point, but I do tend to respond myself and Instagram. It’s Tamra Thompson official. Apparently Tamra Thompson was just taken so I had to do so officially. Tamra Thompson official on Instagram. My YouTube channel is broadcast your authority. And to learn more about our company, you can go to broadcast your We have some free resources on there on seven ways on how to repurpose your podcast. That’s a great downloadable, free resource as well. Oh, yeah, feel free to reach out. But yeah, I like I like Instagram. That’s kind of my thing. And but I’m all over the all the socials and tick tock, you name it. But most of my team runs those at this point. But like I said, people want to hang out where they want to hang out. And it’s good to just be everywhere, even if you’re not managing it. Yeah,

Amr The Internet Guy
exactly. You should not be managing it.

Tamara Thompson
managing it. Yeah, I mean, it’s so time consuming. I play on a cell phone for hours. I’m like, if I was in, you’re over on tick tock, myself, I’d be like, Oh, I’d be like, go back into that video, that producer role where I used to, like, edit like videos every day. Like, it was so time consuming. I was good at it. It was one of my strengths. But I was like, I don’t edit anything anymore. I was like, strategy, you know, content, positioning, and going out into different realms of speaking at this point, you know, masterminds events podcast, like, share the value content, lead them into learn about what the company does that can help so super grateful to be able to build out a team managed company at this point. But yeah, I was like everybody else. I started off as a freelancer and was, you know, perfectionist everything yourself? Yeah, that’s fine. I’m like, I don’t have to do my hair and makeup for every video. And I, you know, I was I wasn’t perfect.

Amr The Internet Guy
I need a template for your hair, makeup.

Tamara Thompson
I know. Well, I have I have really thick hair. And they always say it’s like a horse’s mane and unlike it is really. But yeah, just after I realized delegation was like, so key in the business to scale like, we ended up taking off, you know, and, you know, I have over 30 employees at this point. And, you know, there’s a lot of things going on, as well. So now I focus more on investment investment. I’ve gotten into real estate investing and other things, too, as well as early stage startups. I’ve also helped people I’ve been there in COVID, I actually invested in 22 companies to try to help those that I saw the potential to keep going versus ones that

Amr The Internet Guy
yeah, were

Tamara Thompson
may have been tanking. So it’s like, I want to give back. But I also want to see, I can see the vision of these continuing is how I saw it. So there’s a lot of things that I value at this point in life and business. And you know, what, if you those, that’s the direction you want to go for your own self, like you have to get out of your own way you have to delegate, you have to not do your own social media, you know, you have to create your content. But like, all you can do is record those seriously,

Amr The Internet Guy
don’t read the comp,

Tamara Thompson
delegate out, and your life can be so much happier, it’d be so much happier, you have more time to spend your loved ones and you know, doing other things, you want to travel, whatever that looks like, you know, or become an investor. Like that was one of my goals. And I was like, this is really cool. This is exciting. And yeah, it’s just one of those things, like read the content, but you know, what’s the overall vision of where you’re going with this, you know, content to like really hone in on that and really have a specific niche too. So that’s what I would basically say to everybody today, so yeah,

Amr The Internet Guy
thank you. Tamra. Nice to meet you here.

Tamara Thompson
Yeah, thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it today. It was a lot of fun. Have a good day.

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